Nursing Epaulettes - Why You Should Wear Them at Work

Nursing Epaulettes - The Complete Guide to Nursing Epaulettes and Why You Should Wear Them at Work

Introduction: What are Nursing Epaulettes?

Nursing epaulettes (epaulets) are a type of shoulder board that are worn by nurses in the military and civilian nursing field. They are used to signify the rank of a nurse.

Nursing epaulettes have been around for centuries, but they didn't become popular until the late 1800s when Florence Nightingale introduced them to her nurses. The use of epaulettes has been documented as far back as 16th century France where they were used as a form of military insignia.

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What are Distinguishing Devices?

South African Nursing Council defines distinguishing devices as the epaulettes and badges worn by nurses and midwives that indicate the capacity or capacities in which the wearer is registered or enrolled" .

"Each of the different devices (or different coloured devices) indicates a category of practise – the full implication whereof is probably only generally well understood by others in the health care industry.  Among the general public, the devices have become a well-known symbol that the wearer is a professionally qualified nursing or midwifery practitioner who can be trusted to provide top-quality health care" - SANC

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Why Nurses And Midwifes Need to Wear Epaulettes

Nurses wear distinguishing devices (including nursing epaulettes), for two main reasons. 

Firstly, distinguishing devices are a symbol of authority that nurses and midwifes should wear to show their status.  Nurses wear distinguishing devices to identify themselves and also to indicate their rank. 

Nurses and midwives have traditionally been thought of as people who are in the service industry, but with the emergence of nursing as a profession, they should be given the same status and authority as other professions. They wear distinguishing devices to symbolize their status and authority.

Secondly, wearing of distinguishing devices is also a sign of respect for the profession. Nurses and midwives are expected to dress in a professional manner. This includes adhering to the protocol for wearing distinguishing devices.

Healthcare practitioners are accountable to the profession and the public for their nursing responsibilities. 

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